Saturday 8 September 2012

Butter Cookies - Benne Biscuit (Eggless)

There are days when you can’t stop yourself ignoring our famous Iyengar Bakeries in Bangalore. And it’s even more difficult if you are passing  by VV Puram, hmmmmmm those sweet smell of freshly baked Cookies, Bread, Buns ………………………….

I got this recipe from one of my Aunt who makes yummy Butter cookies at home. I’ve experimented baking my version of Butter cookies from her recipe. I bet it just tasted the same as Iyengar Bakery Benne Biscuit. 

Butter Cookies (Benne Biscuit) – Egg less


Maida (all Purpose Flour) – 2 cups
Unsalted Butter – 1 cup (I used the Amul Cooking butter)
Castor Sugar (Finely Powered Sugar) – ½ cup 


Firstly pre-Heat your Oven to 170 degree centigrade for 15 mins. Grease the Baking Tray or you can use butter paper on your baking tray. 

I keep the butter out from the refrigerator one hour before so that I get the soft creamy butter or you can heat the butter in microwave for just few seconds.You want the butter to be soft not completely melted to make the cookies. 

Mix the Castor Sugar with the butter until it is soft and fluffy. Add Maida to this mixture and mix to form a dough. I love mixing this dough since it will be very soft unlike our chapatti/poori dough. 

Make equal sized small balls and flatten it to give cookies shape. Place the cookies in your baking tray and bake them at 180 degree centigrade for 8-10 mins, until the edges are golden brown and the top is slightly firm. You can start smelling the sweet cookies. Take the cookies from the baking tray when its slightly warm and allow it to cool.

Try baking these in small batches to determine the baking time. You can store these in air-tight container for a week.

It just tastes heaven, I bet you can’t stop having one………..

To sell these cookies to my wonderful 4 years daughter I just grated some dark chocolate on these cookies and baked for another 2 mins. She just loved those Butter cookies with chocolate topping.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Poornima, I tried your cookies.. i'l tel u it was simply amazing.. n soo fast :) My family loved it..

    Realllyyyy Yummmmy
