Saturday 1 December 2012

Chama Dumpa Fry / Arbi Fry

One more secret recipe from my Mother-in-laws kitchen - Chama Dumpa /Arbi / Taro roots fry. Lot of my friends are hesitant to prepare Arbi/Chama dumpa/Taro roots because of its sliminess.  High in starchy carbohydrates, Arbi/taro roots look similar to baby potatoes.

Try this simple quick snack with Arbi, you will change your mind on this……………….

Chama Dumpa Fry/Arbi Fry

Arbi/Taro root/ Chama Dumpa  : 1/4 kg
Chili Powder : As required
Salt to taste
Oil to deep fry
Deep fried Curry leaves  : 10-12 nos.

Wash the Arbi and pressure cook it with enough water for 10-15 mins. Drain water and allow it to cool. Peel the taro roots skin and slice them little thick.

Take a frying pan and heat the oil on a medium flame. Deep fry the sliced Arbi in oil until its golden brown in color. Remove the deep fried Arbi slices, use paper towel to remove any excess oil. Repeat with the remaining batch of Arbi slices and fry them until done.
Now add the salt, deep fried curry leaves and chili powder as required to season the Arbi slices and serve. I bet you will start loving Arbi………………………………

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