Saturday 15 December 2012

Palak Pulav

Bored of usual Palak Paneer, try this yummy, nutrient Palak Pulav. This is my Daughter’s one of the favorite dish. She just loves this. 

It’s very easy to cook, yet very delicious and different compared to normal Pulav.

Palak Pulav with Boondi Raita

Spinach / Palak : 1 bunch
Basmati rice - 1 1/2 cup
Onion - 1 cup finely chopped
Green chilies - 3
Ginger / Garlic paste - 2 tsps
Bay leaf – 1 (small one)
Cardamom – 1
Cloves – 2
Cumin - 1/2 tbsp
Coriander leaves -1/4 cup
Tomato – 1 nos (Chopped finely)
Oil - 4 tbsp
salt to taste
Curds – 2 tsps

For Raita :
Curds : 1 cup
Boondi : ¼ cup
Cumin Powder – for garnish
Salt to taste

Method :

Wash the Palak leaves in water and blanch it for 5 mins in hot water. Meanwhile wash and soak the Basmati Rice in water. 

Grind Green chilies & Coriander leaves to fine paste. Grind the blanched Palak to fine paste, keep it aside. Take 4 tsps of oil in pressure pan, add cloves, cumin, cardamom & Bayleaf, allow it to splutter. Add Ginger/Garlic paste, fry for 2-3 mins. Add Green chili paste, Palak paste, Tomato pieces, curds and fry nicely until the oil leaves from sides of the pan. 

Add soaked Basmati rice, mix well. Add 3 cups of water and salt to taste. Cover the pressure pan and cook it for 3 full whistles. Allow the pressure to release and serve it hot with raita.

For Raita :

Take Curds in a bowl, add Boondi, salt and cumin powder. Mix well and serve. 

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