Monday 31 December 2012

Baby Potato Fry

Holiday time! Relaxing at home with family and friends. We just went for a long drive yesterday evening. We visited an organic farm in Sarjapur, it was just an awesome experience. Bought lots of fresh vegetables, cereals from the farm. I could still smell the soil at home from these vegetables……..

A simple & quick starter for a lazy evening…………

Baby Potato fry

Baby Potatoes: ¼ kg
Chili powder: 3 tsps
Jeera powder: 2 tsps
Lemon juice : 4 tsps
Haldi : 1 tsp
Oil : 4 tsps
Mustard/Jeera: 1 tsp
Curry leaves: 6-7 leaves
Finely chopped Coriander to decorate
Salt to taste

Method :
Pressure cook the baby potatoes for 2 whistles. Peal the skin from potatoes or you can make this dish with the skin. I've pealed the skin for this dish.

Take a non stick pan, add oil and allow it to heat on a medium flame. Add mustard, jeera, curry leaves and allow to crackle. Add chili powder, jeera powder and haldi, add boiled baby potatoes to this mixture. Add salt to taste and mix well. 

Add lemon juice and coriander and mix well. Serve hot with pulka/roti or just serve as it is. Yummy, tangy baby potatoes to relish……………………..

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