Saturday 2 March 2013

Akki Shavige – Rice Vermicelli

One of the very famous household delicacies in Karnataka – Akki Shavige

This was our standard breakfast or evening snack on every Saturdays. Some make the Shavige/vermicelli at home using rice – Vothu Shavige. You need lot of pateice and people around to help you to prepare this and relish. 

I have used Instant Akki shavige/ Rice vermicelli for my recipe to save time. People make in different ways this recipe using vegetables, spices….. Bet every time you make this it’s an awesome experience you relish. Very simple to make at any time you want.

Akki Shavige – Rice Vermicelli

Akki shavige/ Rice vermicelli - 500 gms (I used Anil Akki Shavige)
Boiled Peas – ½ cup
Finely chopped Onion - 2 nos.
Finely chopped Green chillies -  4 nos.
Chana dal - 1 tbsp
Urad dal -1 tbsp
Hing (Asafoetida) – a pinch
Turmeric powder- a pinch
Oil – 3 tsps
Mustard - 1 tsp
Finely chopped Coriander - 2 tbsp
Curry leaves – 10-12 nos.
Lemon Juice – 2-3 tsps
Salt to taste


Boil 8-10 cups of waters, immerse Akki shavige/ Rice vermicelli in boiling water and let this boil for 5-6 mins or until the Akki shavige/ Rice vermicelli is done. You can add few drops of oil so that your Akki shavige/ Rice vermicelli will not stick to each other. Add salt and turmeric powder at this stage to Akki shavige/ Rice vermicelli. 

Leave the Akki shavige/ Rice vermicelli for 8-10 mins to cool and drain the water.

Heat oil in a pan, add mustard, Chana dal, Urad dal, Hing (Asafoetida), finely chopped green chilies, curry leaves and chopped onion. Fry the onions until it becomes transparent. 

Add Akki shavige/ Rice vermicelli and stir well, now add the boiled peas and lemon juice, blend it with Akki shavige/ Rice vermicelli.

Sprinkle finely chopped coriander leaves and serve hot!

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