Saturday 29 September 2012

Aloo Fry

It’s Saturday afternoon, want to catch up on all the weekly serials on Television. Absolutely no mood to prepare an exclusive lunch today.  A tailor-made simple South Indian lunch menu will bring smile to everyone at home and as well as me.

Aloo / Potato Fry – hmmm I know there are millions of people who can’t resist themselves with this. Anything with Potato and at any time would do for lots here. This is easiest side dish you can make in no time. I learnt this from my Rajasthan neighbor who cooks awesome Rajasthani food. It’s my daughter’s favorite dish too.  

Very simple to make and tastes awesome…………….

Aloo/ Potato Fry


Potato – ¼ kg or 4-5 nos (Finely chopped)
Curry Leaves – 1 tsp
Jeera – 1 tsp
Haldi (Tumeric Powder) - a pinch
Chili Powder – 2 tsps
Oil – 2 tsps
Coriander leaves
Salt to taste


Take a non-stick pan, heat it on a low flame. Add oil, Jeera and curry leaves, allow it to crackle. Add the chopped Potatoes, Haldi, Chili powder and salt to taste. Mix well and allow Potatoes to cook on low flame for 10-15 mins. You can cover your non-stick pan with a lid. 

Make sure the Potatoes are fried nicely on both the sides. Sprinkle finely chopped coriander on Potatoes and serve. 

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