Saturday 20 October 2012

Kobari Ladoo / Coconut Jaggery Ladoo

It’s been so busy week and planning for Naivedya for God Durga has been the main agenda at home. I guess it’s the same state with all of here. 

 Let’s try a simple, mouth watering, easy sweet with minimal ingredients from your kitchen - Kobari Ladoo / Coconut Jaggery Ladoo! 

Broken Wheat Payasam

Navrathri /Dasara Special: Navarathri /Dasara celebrated all over India for nine days and one can’t miss our famous Mysore Dasara! Lot of fond Memories of Mysore Dasara celebrations…………….. One gets nostalgic being part of Dasara celebration in Mysore and the wonderful, delicious festive food, hmm………………… can’t resist. 

I’ve tried to give a small collection of Navratri /Dasara recipes from Andhra & Karnataka.

Bored of normal vermicelli, rice payasam, let’s try some different variety of Payasam. How about easy, tastier Broken Wheat Payasam!

Saturday 6 October 2012

Mullangi/Radish Pachadi & Raita

The word Radish/Mullangi makes lot of us very unhappy L. But we don’t realize how good Radish is for our health. It’s rich in fiber and low in calorie, also a rich source of vitamin B6, copper and calcium.
We use Radish/Mullangi only in Sambar, Parata or as a Salad. Thanks to Manju Aunty who forced me to have this Pachadi and I was amazed to know this boring vegetable can be cooked so tastier. I just love this now. 

Let’s try this easy, healthy, a different variety of Mullangi Pachadi and Mullangi Raita. Absolutely no cooking J. I bet you start loving Mullangi.