Saturday 20 October 2012

Broken Wheat Payasam

Navrathri /Dasara Special: Navarathri /Dasara celebrated all over India for nine days and one can’t miss our famous Mysore Dasara! Lot of fond Memories of Mysore Dasara celebrations…………….. One gets nostalgic being part of Dasara celebration in Mysore and the wonderful, delicious festive food, hmm………………… can’t resist. 

I’ve tried to give a small collection of Navratri /Dasara recipes from Andhra & Karnataka.

Bored of normal vermicelli, rice payasam, let’s try some different variety of Payasam. How about easy, tastier Broken Wheat Payasam!

Broken Wheat Payasam


Broken Wheat – ½ cup
Grated Jaggery: 1/2 cup
Cardamom Powder : 1/4 tsp
Ghee : 4-5 tsps
Cashew nut/Raisins – ¼ cup
Milk – 1 Ltr
Water – ½ cup

Method :
Take a non-stick pan and add 1 tsp ghee and fry the Broken Wheat for 5 mins. Pressure cook the Broken Wheat with ½ cup of Milk and Water. 

Take a small pan, add the remaining ghee and fry the raisins/cashew nuts until they turn light brown. Keep this aside. 

Take another pan, add the pressure cooked Broken Wheat and Jaggery. Cook this on a medium flame for 5 mins, you will see the Jaggery melting. At this stage add the rest of the milk and bring this to boil. You can adjust the consistency of your Payasam by adding less/more milk depending on your taste. I like the Payasam to be little thick J

Add the fried raisins/cashew nuts to the Payasam and serve hot or chilled. You would love just fall in love with this………………

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