Saturday 16 February 2013

Prawns Fry

This recipe is for all my Non-Veg friends……………………. Who have been complaining that I’m not posting any Non-veg recipes on my blog. 

My all time favorite dish – Prawn Fry. I hear from lot of people they never cook Prawns at home. But I guess this is the easiest & fastest you can cook at home. 

I learnt this recipe from one of my Aunt who makes yummy Prawn pickle. Nothing can beat that spicy, tangy Prawn pickle she makes. I’ve modified to my own version of Prawn fry since I couldn’t match to her Prawn pickle. 

Very easy, simple yet yummy Prawn Fry………………….

Friday 8 February 2013

Veg Momos

Very suspiciously I tried this recipe at home for the first time and to my surprise this was a super hit at home.  Very simple, healthy and can be cooked with minimal ingredients at home. I tried only the steamed Momos this time, probably very soon I’ll have the blog posted on Some yummy chicken fried momos.