Thursday 12 December 2013

Tomato Soup

At last got some time to post some of my favorite recipes this week! 

Simple Tomato Soup! Tastes awesome and it’s very easy to make it at home. I was surprised when my daughter finished her entire bowl. This was a super success at home. You will enjoy it more in this chill December………………..

Tomato Soup :


Juicy red tomato : 4-5 nos.
Finely chopped Onions : 1 no.
Finely chopped Garlic : 4-5 nos.
Powdered Pepper : 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Butter : 3 tsps 


Take a Pressure cooker, heat the butter, add Garlic and finely chopped onions. Fry Onions until it turns transparent, now add chopped tomatoes, salt to taste and pressure cook for 2 whistles.

Strain the blended mixture to remove the tomato skin and seeds. Re-heat the soup for 4-5 mins and check for the salt. You can sprinkle Pepper powder and serve hot. 

I bet you cannot stop with one serve………………..

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