Saturday 13 July 2013

Cabbage Pakoda

Monsoon is here!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m sure everyone want to have some hot Bajjis, Pakodas  with Filter Coffee or Tea………. 

Let’s try something spicy, crispy and with an unusual vegetable Cabbage, Cabbage Pakoda……..

Cabbage Pakoda:


Finely chopped Cabbage : 1 cup
Chilli Powder : 2-3 tsps
Besan  : ½ Cup
Jeera Powder : 1 tsp
Finely chopped Coriander:  3 tsps
Finely chopped Green Chilies:  4-5 nos.
Chopped Cashewnut : 3-4 tsps
Salt to taste
Oil to deep fry


Mix little salt to finely chopped Cabbage and leave it for 5 mins to let it release the water. Add Besan, Chili powder, Jeera powder, Green chilies, coriander, cashewnut and salt to taste. Mix well all the ingredients, you can sprinkle little water to get the Pakoda consistency. 

Heat the oil in a frying pan and drop small dumplings of Pakoda mixture in the oil. Allow the dumplings to turn light brown.  Serve hot, spicy, crispy Cabbage Pakoda with Sauce. 

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