Thursday 12 December 2013

Kurkure Bindi / Bindi Fry

Let’s try some more easy and tasty recipes for evening snacks. Kurkure Bindi or Bindi Fry is one of the easiest snacks for chilled evenings.

Tomato Soup

At last got some time to post some of my favorite recipes this week! 

Simple Tomato Soup! Tastes awesome and it’s very easy to make it at home. I was surprised when my daughter finished her entire bowl. This was a super success at home. You will enjoy it more in this chill December………………..

Thursday 17 October 2013

Cheese Sticks

It’s been long time I made something with cheese. I had Cheese sticks in one of the coffee shop and was just flat for it. Here it is in my version……………. 

Khadi Pakora

Khadi Pakora – one of the famous household recipe in north India. Let’s try making it in a very simple, healthy way with no deep frying. Yes you read it right no deep frying, a new healthier way to make Pakoras at home …………………. 

Sunday 22 September 2013

Vegetable Dum Biriyani

Biriyani………… you hardly find anyone telling that they don’t like Biryani. We have always heard of Chicken or Mutton Biriyani recipes especially Dum Biryani. Have you tried anytime experimenting the Dum Biriyani with Vegetables. Try this easy, yummy Vegetable Dum Biriyani, I bet all the Biryani lovers will change their mind and opt for Vegetable Dum Biriyani………………………

Saturday 13 July 2013

Cabbage Pakoda

Monsoon is here!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m sure everyone want to have some hot Bajjis, Pakodas  with Filter Coffee or Tea………. 

Let’s try something spicy, crispy and with an unusual vegetable Cabbage, Cabbage Pakoda……..

Saturday 8 June 2013

Brinjal Fry / Baigan Fry

Try this yummy, tasty & easy to cook/bake Brinjal/Baigan Fry………………………..

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Dibba Rotti

Bored of normal Idli, try this crispy, tasty, different recipe with Idli batter…………….

This is one of the very common breakfast in Andhra, let’s try this…

Sunday 28 April 2013

Andhra Style Gun Powder / Kandi Podi

You enter any Andhra restaurants, you will find varieties of pickles, Gongura chutney and chutney podi/Gun powder in every table. You will find each and everyone will start their meal having hot rice with ghee and this famous chutney podi/Gun powder. 

It’s an very easy recipe to try at home and enjoy your meal. Let’s try to make this chutney podi/Gun powder at home with very minimal time.

Cold Coffee

The moment I hear Cold Coffee, there’s a million volts smile on my face. I just love coffee either hot or cold. I’m sure there are lots of coffee lovers like me around who just wait for a chance to pick their coffee mug anytime of the day. You can’t stop holding yourself when chilled cold coffee with icecream is served in front of you. 

Let’s try homemade Cold coffee today. This recipe if for all the coffee lovers ……………………

Sunday 21 April 2013

Mango Lassi

The best part of summer is Mango season. One can’t wait for the summer to enjoy different varieties of Mango in India. Especially the ones from Andhra, wohh…………………. there are so many varieties of mangos you just can’t stop with one. 

It’s been a norm every summer we get different varieties of mango from Andhra. This time we were lucky to buy it straight from a Mango Groove on the way to Bangalore from Pondicherry. It was an awesome experience to pluck the mango from 10 acres spread Mango groove. 

Now that I’ve so much of mango at home, I couldn’t resist trying this at home – Mango Lassi. Mango lassi is gaining popularity worldwide. One of my favorite summer drink……………………

Neeru Majigge / Spicy Buttermilk

Summer is here! What better drink you can think of to beat that thirst in summer than our home made Neeru Majigge. A very common chilled drink served in every household in Karnataka especially in summer. 

I used to hate the green chilies, ginger and curry leaves in buttermilk as a kid. I always would wonder why mom gives me all these in a simple drink. But these are very essential to keep our body cool in summer.
Here’s an easy recipe to make a spicy buttermilk at home………………… 

Saturday 6 April 2013

Kalmi Kabab

Kalmi kabab a popular snack in Indian cuisine. There are lot of varieties of Kababs available and cooked in different styles. 

Here comes an easy way to prepare the yummy Kalmi Kababs at home……..

Friday 29 March 2013

Ragi Rotti


One more favourite breakfast in each and every Karnataka household – Ragi Rotti. It is mostly popular in the rural areas of Southern Karnataka. It is made of Ragi (finger millet) flour. Ragi-Rotti means ragi-pancake in the native language, Kannada. It is prepared in the same way as Akki rotti.

Ragi is been a staple food in our house from childhood. We make Ragi mude, Ragi cherri which is very delicious and fed to kids. This year we got our first harvest from my Dad’s farm – Ragi and this is the first recipe we tried with it. It tasted awesome and very special to us.
Let’s try this tasty, healthy breakfast……..

Sunday 10 March 2013

Methi Pappu

Lot of my friends drool over the Andhra food for Chutneys, pickles, spicy non-veg dishes and Andhra Pappu. One of my dear friend visits Andhra restaurants only to have Rice and Pappu, nothing else. This recipe is for all those who love Andhra Pappu. It’s my Mom’s version which we just love at home. 

I’ve used Methi leaves/ Fenugreek leaves for my recipe, you can substitute with Palak/Spinach. It tastes awesome but my favorite is with Methi leaves. 

Fenugreek leaves are enriched with minerals like Potassium, Calcium, Vitamin K and Iron.The leaves have good dietary fiber and are enriched with Vitamin C. 

Let’s try this simple, homemade, tasty Methi Pappu……..

Saturday 2 March 2013

Akki Shavige – Rice Vermicelli

One of the very famous household delicacies in Karnataka – Akki Shavige

This was our standard breakfast or evening snack on every Saturdays. Some make the Shavige/vermicelli at home using rice – Vothu Shavige. You need lot of pateice and people around to help you to prepare this and relish. 

I have used Instant Akki shavige/ Rice vermicelli for my recipe to save time. People make in different ways this recipe using vegetables, spices….. Bet every time you make this it’s an awesome experience you relish. Very simple to make at any time you want.

Friday 1 March 2013

Chocolate Cup Cake

My love for baking all started with my little one who’s crazy of cakes & muffins. We used to hang out every alternate day in Just bake or Coffee Day feasting on cakes and muffins. 

I did lot of research and bought a small Oven but for my bad luck my first cake I baked got burnt, the second one puffed up too much. It was looking like a mountain than a cake. I still didn’t give up kept on trying my luck in baking and after lot of failures I succeeded to bake a perfect cake. Thanks to the lovely cake/muffin recipes on Joy of baking. 

Baking spirit is still on………… I can bake any cake in just 45- 50 mins now. I don’t call myself an expert but a beginner who can bake perfect cake now. 

I couldn’t stop posting this Chocolate Muffins recipe which I baked for my little valentine……… It was so pleasing when I saw a spark in my little daughter’s eyes when she saw these Chocolate Muffins!!!!!!

Saturday 16 February 2013

Prawns Fry

This recipe is for all my Non-Veg friends……………………. Who have been complaining that I’m not posting any Non-veg recipes on my blog. 

My all time favorite dish – Prawn Fry. I hear from lot of people they never cook Prawns at home. But I guess this is the easiest & fastest you can cook at home. 

I learnt this recipe from one of my Aunt who makes yummy Prawn pickle. Nothing can beat that spicy, tangy Prawn pickle she makes. I’ve modified to my own version of Prawn fry since I couldn’t match to her Prawn pickle. 

Very easy, simple yet yummy Prawn Fry………………….

Friday 8 February 2013

Veg Momos

Very suspiciously I tried this recipe at home for the first time and to my surprise this was a super hit at home.  Very simple, healthy and can be cooked with minimal ingredients at home. I tried only the steamed Momos this time, probably very soon I’ll have the blog posted on Some yummy chicken fried momos. 

Sunday 13 January 2013

Peanut Butter Cookies – Egg less

I tried a new egg less cookie today with Peanut and it came out to be delicious…………. Using simple ingredients at home you can try baking this cookies and I’m sure you can’t stop praising yourself……………………….

Easy to make yummy Peanut Butter cookies egg less!